Our school psychologists act along with school counselors as advocates for students’ well-being, and are a valuable resource for their educational and personal advancement.

Our Certified School Psychologists assist students at all levels, from elementary school to high school. They are well versed in conducting comprehensive psychological evaluations that include assessment of intellectual, developmental, academic, social/emotional and behavioral status.

River School Psychologists are team players and are trained in the most current psychological testing, assessment, and counseling methods. They also support the district through data collection obtained through informal and non-standardized evaluation techniques that adhere to the school’s practices.

River provides thorough evaluations that include classroom observation, parent phone calls, teacher consultation, standardize assessment, scoring evaluation, writing report summary, evaluation report and IEP development. Reports are efficient, complete with regard to every detail, and submitted earlier than required.

River Psychologists operate in multiple capacities to meet your district needs.  Our Psychologist can provide therapy, counseling, hands-on classroom support, social-emotional group therapy classes, small group support, or behavioral consultation.  River Psychologists can provide 1:1 phone consultation to parents prior to the formal IEP meeting to share important information that often is sensitive to families. 

Our psychologists can attend IEP meetings and any requested group meetings to discuss results and make a team decision on qualifying a student for services. River understands the unique needs and concerns for each district on how to qualify children for appropriate services.  All information is carefully considered from teacher input, parent concerns, district guidelines, to administrative direction.

Through our expertise and experience, we are well equipped to help schools support their student body with effective psychological services tailored to the level of support that meets each school's needs.


How we can help:

  • Data collection and analysis
  • Plan goals and actions for students to overcome problems
  • Conduct psychological and academic assessments
  • Interpret student and classroom data
  • Reduce inappropriate referrals to special education
  • Standardized assessments
  • Classroom observations
  • Implement behavioral technicians
  • Staff training
  • Teacher consultation